What is stopping you from receiving money? That’s been a question I’ve asked myself a lot ever since I started my own business. Ironically I never asked myself this question before. The topic of money never really occurred because it was kind of clear to me, that I can’t receive more. I never even questioned that. As a student and in the corporate world, you simply don’t think about abundance – and guess what – you don’t attract it either.
Nonetheless my soul knew that this can’t be it. Deep down inside my soul sent me signals that we are meant for abundance. It’s out birth right. It’s like air. You don’t just think that you can’t have more air, do you?
So why are we so stubborn when it comes to money?
Because we are so stubborn about ourselves and our own abilities. Somehow I think the universe wanted me to not receive money with ease straight away, because that’s actually a good way of reminding me that I still have to clear out some BS crap from the past. Today I definitely know, that the ability to receive money correlates with my ability to let go of things that don’t serve me – especially limiting beliefs.
Therefore the relationship with money is pretty much a mirror to your relationship with yourself. Can you see that?
The more you work on yourself, the more money can come into your life. That’s for sure.
But if you know anything about personal development, you certainly know, that this is not a linear process and the more you work on yourself, the more comes up. Do you accept that? Are you in for that? Do you surrender the process or are you still scared of the blocks that show up in your life?
I admit that it’s uncomfortable to be confronted with your own limitations. And there you have it again: money as the mirror. Isn’t it uncomfortable to be confronted with a limited amount of money as well? And how ironic is that? Have you ever been confronted by a limited amount of air? It’s scares the EF out of you and you just want to escape the situation.
I suggest you do that with air, because there essentially is no benefit of sabotaging your air intake.
Why even limit yourself?
And there certainly is no benefit of sabotaging your ability to receive money. It’s not serving you. It’s not how you should life like – and gorgeous, it’s not how you have to look like!
So let’s go back to the mirror analogy. Can you see the correlation now? The deeper you dig into your soul, your purpose, your magic, the more money blocks might appear. But they only present themselves, so you can erase them now and forever. You can be SO grateful for them. Finally you can release them and let the abundance flow into your life.
The only thing you have to do is to look in the mirror and smile. Recognize what you see in the mirror and pay attention to it. Start loving on what you see in the mirror instead of beating yourself up for it. Know that what you see in the mirror is Magic. The universe created it. It’s abundant. It’s enough. Love on it, deeply.
Step in Your Magic.
PS. If you are ready to erase your money blocks and enter the next level of high vibes, high energy + healing from the past, I whole heartily invite you to have a look at ELEVATE. This program seriously changed my life, because it changed my energy and that’s basically what life is all about, right?Ā Click here to see if your soul is aching for this!
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